This year's CleanUp day was organized in record time spearheaded by our fellow neighbor Claudia van Buuren-Schoester who took it on with much enthusiasm, supported by a neighborhood initiative to re-establish Street Representatives for every street.
The previous years, the World CleanUp Days were spearheaded by always enthusiastic and sympathetic to the cause, Robert Spong (2018) (neighbor), and Juliette Buddingh (2019) board member of Fundashon Julianadorp responsible for committees. These and this year's are fully supported by the Fundashon Julianadorp in promoting well-being, social cohesion, and of course the fundamental requirement to a healthy living environment, a clean neighborhood.

The Street Representatives initiative and the approaching World CleanUp Day spun into a petit comité meeting consisting of neighbors, Solange Lesire (Secretary Fundashon Julianadorp), Pien Oijevaar, Annette de França (a former street representative), Dirk Martijnse, Zarja Garmers, Angelo Luidens (ex-officio chair Fundashon Julianadorp) and off course Claudia. They discussed matters regarding the Street Representative initiative and also the World CleanUp Day, more importantly that the cleanups are executed every quarter through out the year on Saturdays monitored by the Street Representatives (SRs) with the next Julianadorp CleanUp Day being Saturday December 15th, 2020.
Some other important follow up points that were agreed upon:
The committee will meet every month to follow through with the SRs initiative and to ensure the quarterly cleanups are anchored with the support of Selikor, DOW, and students from the schools in the neighborhood.
This petit comité will recruit neighbors who would like to and can serve as Street Representative, 24 in total, one for every street (total streets, 17), and additional SRs for those streets that are very long. One important role of the SR is to stay in contact with their fellow neighbors. Those neighbors that do not have access to social media or email, will receive a letter in their mailbox.
This CleanUp Day was a great success. In observance of security and the COVID-19 measures of hygiene and social distancing, the idea was to meetup at the school parking lot to coordinate and receive materials, such as garbage bags from Selikor, and neighbors could choose to do their street or the St. Michielsweg which is usually the most littered street in the neighborhood.
Many neighbors just stepped up and did their part. There was even a family that does not live in Julianadorp, came to help their family member that lives in Parkweg.
A great thank you goes to the petit comité for organizing and driving the activity and all neighbors that in one way or another contributed to this morning being a success. Granted the work is to be continued. The following photos provide an impression of the morning.